Portrait of George Benton
Nancy Mulloy Bonn
oil on canvas board 17” x 21” 2019
From Shirley Shaketa Benton, sister: I want to thank you and everyone else involved for helping my family keep my brother’s memory alive. Not only was he my brother but he was a son, a father, a friend, and confidant as well. This project is bringing awareness to the violence in our city. I pray that my family and others like it get justice for it.
From the curator: The things strike me first off when seeing this portrait in person are George’s pose and expression, and the many colors that the artist incorporated. The confidently folded arms conveys a strength and vulnerability at the same time. The tilt of his head and gentle smile seem to impart awareness and empathy. The richness and many layers of color suggests the richness of this man’s life experience. The lack of detail, except for the striations of color in the background, helps keep the focus on George. It is a relatively small painting, but a powerful one that lets us know he was a powerful man.