Markeish Johnson
From the artist, Ann Price Hartzell: For me, it began with another portrait I did in 2017 which made me painfully aware of the abysmal number of unsolved murders in our city. The experience made me an activist against gun violence and I frequently walk with the mothers, sisters, and brothers of unsolved murder victims when they post wanted flyers seeking justice. I met Angela Parrish one cold day in December when some of the mothers spent the day canvassing Germantown with wanted flyers. These are the ties that bind so many in our city and my circle of mothers grows larger and larger. Angela struggles to talk about Markeish, her oldest son. He was looking forward to graduating from high school and beginning a carpentry program. He loved his family and his small circle of friends. He was respectful to everyone who crossed his path and was seen as the protector for his younger siblings, Remir, Imani and Syntere.
From the curator: Ann, has framed the figure, which is rendered in grays, in a warm embrace of a background. The viewpoint we have is looking down on this young man and presents him as the youth he was, albeit an accomplished and capable one. He seems almost cradled here as he catches our eye with his forthright stare.
PLEASE NOTE: we will be posting a portrait a day, Monday through Friday, for the foreseeable future. Thank you for taking the time to get to know these souls.
Looking Forward Portrait of Markiesh Johnson charcoal and acrylic on gesso board 20”x16” 2019