Your donations keep our portrait project growing. Our incredible artists donate their talents and their time to meet with families and friends of victims of gun violence and create the portraits. We produce a full color catalog which is provided free to the artist and family/friend participants and is sold to the general public. It is currently our only fundraiser. Our exhibitions are, and will always be, free and open to the public. We incur expenses, during non-pandemic times, with hanging supplies, van rental, printed materials explaining the project and offering further resources, and other outreach. During the pandemic we need funds for professional videographers and online exhibition assistance. You can view our full list of supporters by viewing ‘Our Supporters’ page here.
Souls Short Portrait Project is a Pennsylvania non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and your donation is fully tax deductible.
100% of funds received go towards keeping the project going and to reaching as many people as we can.
Thank you for your support!
William Bethel IV by Garth Herrick
Complete the fields below to donate
We are grateful for your donations! If you donate online, please consider adding 3%, or a few dollars, more to cover the costs of the online payment service. Or, you may mail a check to us at: 7782 Crittenden St., Unit 27-776, Philadelphia, PA, 19118-9998. We are grateful for your gifts! Please be mindful that our full name must be used for us to access any funds donated: 'Souls Shot Portrait Project'. (A common mistake is 'Soul Shots', which is not us!) Thank you!
“Thank you for creating awareness on this gun violence epidemic. ”
Other Ways to help the souls shot portrait Project
Buy a catalog
BUY A CATALOG from our past and current exhibitions.
You can also help to support Souls Shot Portrait Project by ordering one or more volumes of The Souls, the catalog accompanying our exhibitions.
These full color catalogs contain images of the portraits from each volume of the exhibition along with commentary from the artists and the families and friends of the victims. They represent a small fraction of the souls lost every day to the epidemic of gun violence. We are grateful to be able to tell their stories and to move people to take action.
Click the CATALOG button to view and purchase our beautiful catalogs
START A Facebook or Instagram FUNDRAISER for our organization
Start a fundraiser for Souls Shot Portrait Project. You can easily create a fundraiser on our behalf on Facebook or Instagram. To create a fundraiser through Facebook, please click here for more information. Facebook has an easy to use fundraising platform that takes less than 5 minutes to set up.
You can also start a fundraiser for us through Instagram. To do so, when creating a new post, just click the button that says ‘Add Fundraiser’ and follow the next few steps on the screen. It also takes less than 5 minutes to create.
This is a great way to raise money for our organization. Click here to see a past Facebook fundraiser created by one of our artists, Ann Price Hartzell,
get involved
GET INVOLVED with our project as an: Artist, Family/Friend of Victim, Host Venue, or Volunteer for us
Click the GET INVOLVED button for more details