Beautiful Soul Portrait of Linwood Bowser II by Rachel Reinfurt

From the curator: (Neither family member, friend, nor artist wrote commentary for the catalog.) Rachel made a truly extraordinary portrait. Her exquisite crafting of this stained glass in its own light box challenged us to design a pedestal for it to safely sit on during its travels last year. It is literally an awesome work. Again, not unlike many of our artists, the juxtaposition of the earthly person and the sacred is represented. Without knowing anything about Linwood, I could sit and look at his smiling face for a long time. As the illustrative and narrative stained glass windows in churches, synagogues, and mosques tell a story to those worshiping nearby, this “Beautiful Soul” tells the story of yet another charming young man gone way too soon. It reminds us of the importance of our quest to end the senseless gun violence in our cities and communities.

Beautiful Soul Portrait of Linwood Bowser II by Rachel Reinfurt   leaded glass, kiln fired stain and vitreous

paint  10.75”x14” 2018

Linwood Bowser III by Rachel Reinfurt.jpg
Laura Madeleine