Second Star to the Right Portrait of Peter LaCourt by Laura Orfanelli

From the curator: (Neither artist nor relative or friend of Peter’s wrote commentary for the catalog.) This portrait of Peter LaCourt by Laura Orfanelli is very large and striking. She conjures movement by the expressiveness of his face, right in the center, and the birds flying. It is captivating. Laura has managed to do what so many of our artists try to do - convey a liveliness and vigor as well as the atmosphere of a better, more serene and peaceful place than that which is our world on earth. Peter seems to be greeting us with a knowing look as he turns to leave.

Second Star to the Right Portrait of Peter LaCourt by Laura Orfanelli acrylic on stretched canvas 30” x 30” 2018


Peter La Court by Laura Orfanelli.jpeg
Laura Madeleine