Frankie and Marcus Portrait of Francisco Caraballo by Karen Ruggles

from the artist Karen Ruggles: Karen Ruggles is an assistant professor at DeSales University specializing in digital art and 3D animation. She works in digital media and produced this piece based off of photographs provided by Frankie’s loved ones. Frankie and his son, Marcus, were very close. Frankie always tried to do the right thing since he knew that Marcus thought the world of him. Frankie’s loved ones requested this portrait be made to help themselves but especially Marcus grieve with their recent loss of this caring, funny, and humble father.

From the curator: Karen puts the beautiful, sweet kiss of a child front and center to draw us in. She leads our eyes down the little arm, the finger pointing up to the other small hand and we are brought to the earnest face of his father. This compositional circling of Frankie’s face accentuates the actual hug.It is hard to look away from this duo. I imagine, as was the wish of his loved ones, that Marcus will feel bound with his father for all time as he looks at this depiction of their love.

Ftankie and Marcus Portrait of Francisco Caraballo by Karen Ruggles digital painting printed on canvas 16” x 20” 2018

Frankie and Marcus by Karen Ruggles.jpg
Laura Madeleine