Taylay Portrait of Donte Wylie by Melissa L. Joseph

From Victoria Wylie Donte’s sister: Donte Wylie affectionately known by family and friends as Taylay was a young entrepreneur and risk taker that wasn’t afraid to go the extra mile to ensure he and his daughter had good life. From starting a water ice business as a teenager to buying and selling cars, Taylay was determined to be his own boss. Very aware of his potential, he never limited himself. The sky wasn’t the limit for Donte; it was the starting point. Unfortunately Donte’s life was cut short in 2008 due to senseless gun violence, his murder remains unsolved. To honor the life and legacy of Taylay, The Donte Wylie Foundation also known as For the Love of Taylay was established in 2009 in hopes to provide a safe space for survivors of violence, individuals who caused harm, and community members to collectively heal and explore workable solutions to reduce gun violence. Taylay is truly missed. 

From the curator: In this intimate portrait of Taylay Melissa’s use of collage draws the viewer in for a close look. It seems an appropriate approach to a man who had so much energy and used it in so many endeavors.

Taylay Portrait of Donte Wylie by Melissa L. Joseph collage mixed media on linen 11” x 14” 2018

Donte Wylie by Melissa L. Joseph.jpg
Laura Madeleine