That Kool-Aid Smile Portrait of Howard Williams by Warren Keyser

From the artist Warren Keyser: The Souls  Shot project is a departure from my usual process.  I enjoy the interaction with the subject of the portrait as I paint.  In this project, I worked very closely with Diane, the mother of Howard, using photos and memories.  This project was a growth experience in both self-awareness and gratitude. I am grateful to have worked with Diane to bring part of Howard’s spirit into my art.

From the curator: The goal of all of our artists is just that - to bring out the spirit of our subjects without the benefit of having known them. The family members and friends who kindly talk to us about their loved ones are generous to share their memories and storied. Warren, in his small portrait, does a beautiful job of letting us see Howard’s spirit. The grays and white diaphanous brush strokes surround Howard’s warm face so beautifully. And there’s that brilliant smile. Warren has managed to do what so many art teachers warn us not to do lest we make our subject look cartoonish - paint an open mouthed smile. He does it to such wonderful effect and imparts Howard’s dignity and charm.

That Kool-Aid Smile Portrait of Howard Williams by Warren Keyser oil on board linen 12” x 16” 2018

The Kool-Aid Smile (Howard Williams) by Warren Keyser.jpg
Laura Madeleine