Kike Portrait of Angel Enrique Bermudez by Corinne Holloway

From the artist Corinne Holloway:Look into the face of a man who was taken by violence; read his widow's words. He was made imago dei, he was valuable, and he is gone. It makes you long for justice and it forces us to see the brokenness of our world. The topic of gun violence is easy to politicize. But instead, take a moment and share in the grief of strangers—your fellow humans. Valuing human life is the first step towards a humane life.

From Angel Bermudez’ widow Jessica Vega: Angel Bermudez, also known as Kike by family and friends, is a father of 5 children and 3 grand kids. He was a hard working man who provided and took care of his family. Angel was an amazing man, funny, caring, always joking, dancing, and laughing. He was active as a father in his children's lives, a great supporter, for all his children and friends. On October 11, 2017 we received devastating news that Angel Bermudez was murdered. That day our lives changed forever. How can anyone be prepared to lose a person they love the most. The pain a mother feels when she has to look at her children and know that they will never see their father again. October 11th the cowards who took his life also changed all of our lives forever. We need justice for Angel Bermudez. 

From the curator: These are two of the most moving commentaries in the Souls Shot Portrait Project. And, while all of our portraits are meant to be seen, and are more powerful, in person, Corinne’s portrait of Angel takes command in person and in reproduced images. Her bold use of red and the patterns swirling around Angel, Kike’s, face and the lively folds of his shirt pulsate with the active life that he lived and his passions felt in that life. His beautiful, painted arm leaves the frame and seems a portal into a less violent, less red world. This is a definitively powerful portrait.

Kike Portrait of Angel Enrique Bermudez by Corinne Holloway acrylic on burlap 28” x 40” 2018

Angel Enrique Bermudez by Corinne Holloway.jpg
Laura Madeleine