Behind the Scenes

We take great care to pack our portraits because, in the before pandemic times, they would be delivered to a host venue, unpacked, hung, taken down, packed up and moved to the next venue a dozen times over the course of the year. We have had to rent a van at times, received parking tickets, maneuvered stubborn hand trucks into scary cargo elevators, stood on very tall ladders, learned how to work various hanging systems, made up our own hanging systems, and more. We lug boxes of catalogs, cartons of handouts, guest books, and donation boxes. We make elaborate hanging charts using thumbnail images to save wear and tear on the precious art work when we are ready to hang. This is all done by wonderful volunteers. We treasure these artworks as we treasure learning about the souls that are depicted in them. We are so very grateful to all our volunteers and all our host venues. (Maybe the parking authorities could cut us a break, however.)

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Laura Madeleine