Code Portrait of Quentin Rollins by B. Douglas Smith

From Lovette Rollins, mother: Quentin was my only child. I cannot have any more children.  Losing him still hurts. He was a loving son and a father of three, two girls and a boy. He was the real definition of a man, son, father, cousin, grandson, and nephew. He was a carpenter and very good at it. He was respected and would go out of his way to help anyone in need. If you needed them, he would give you the shirt off of his back and the shoes on his feet.  He was very funny, constantly making time for every family member to joke with them. He was loved by many and is truly missed. We lost a friend, but gained an Angel. - Mom Lovey  

From the curator: This is another striking, large portrait. When we were first hanging the exhibition there was a woman who was standing right in front of it, very close, and was perplexed. She wanted to know how this was a portrait. When we asked her to take several steps back, she could see the intriguing face of Quentin. The artist told me that Ms. Rollins, Quentin’s mother, told him how much he loved color. It seems fitting that his likeness emerges from the rollicking abstract color forms in the background. He also seems to dissolve back into them; another approach to that concept of the journey taken by these souls that so many of the artists in the project have represented.

Code Portrait of Quentin Rollins by  B.  Douglas Smith mixed media  2’x3’ 2019

Quentin Rollins Portrait__Souls Shot 2019__B Douglas Smith.jpg
Laura Madeleine