Cameron and Riley Portrait of Cameron Robertson by Nancy Bea Miller

From the artist Nancy Bea Miller: I've communicated several times with Cameron's sister Kirsten who is a passionate writer and story teller. She generously gave me an intimate glimpse into this wonderful young man's life. His murder was unexplained, senseless, and shattered so many lives. We've all lost a bright, hard-working soul who was giving back to society in abundance. His legacy lies in the deep love of his family, and in his precious daughter Riley whom I chose to depict in the painting in her father's embrace. Cameron's sister describes Riley as " The love of his life, Riley Robertson, was born on March 1, 2013 (they shared the same birthday!) Having Riley made Cam want to excel more in life so he opened up his second business which was an automotive repair business in the Wayne junction area of the city that he named “Dependable Auto". Cameron and I would often joke about how he knew nothing about cars but Cameron believed with Prayer, hard work and dedication that his business would flourish and it did." His sister goes on to say, "Cameron was a loving dedicated Father, Son, Brother and Friend to so many. He had an inviting loving personality and you were sure to have a good time or be encouraged by Cameron whenever you were in his presence. Cameron  age 26, was murdered on August 1, 2016 at the close of the business day while walking to his vehicle. We still don't have answers. We miss him dearly" Of course, painters get close to their subjects, and I feel his loss myself, and I didn't even know him! It was an honor for me to paint Cameron's portrait.

From the curator: I notice the warm tones in Riley and Cameron’s cheeks that almost touch and the cool blue ofCameron’s other cheek leading the eye down to his unfinished shirt dripping into white. His presence is drifting away but the warmth remains with his precious daughter and her vivid colors and animated expression. The artist simultaneously conveys the loss and the gift of this man and his legacy.

Cameron and Riley Portrait of Cameron Robertson by Nancy Bea Miller oil on canvas 20”x16” 2019

Cameron and Riley by Nancy Bea maybe not final.jpg
Laura Madeleine