Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School Rally for Gun Violence Awareness

On May 31 we were invited to participate in the Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School Rally for Gun Violence Awareness at their school in Kensington. On a bright sunny morning Keisha Whatley, artist, Maxayn Gooden, mother of Jah’sun Ahmad Patton, Monique Lewis, sister of Richard Lewis, Jr., and I were welcomed into the enthusiastic circle of students with chanting and singing and an impressive amount of enthusiasm. The students carried signs and chanted “enough is enough”. Ms. Maya Henry from the middle school introduced one of her students who delivered a memorized description of the Souls Shot Portrait Project and our mission before giving us an award for our work along with a monetary donation. Keisha and Maxayn spoke to the students and afterwards we were able to meet with them and hand out catalogs and flyers for them to read and share. While the younger students were participating in this activity, the high schoolers were on their way to City Hall for a gun violence awareness rally.

Keisha Whatley, Maxayn Gooden, Maya Henry and students.

It is hard to keep going on the journey to peace. If these students are any indication, there is energy there to keep marching ahead. Sankofa is symbolic of taking from the past what is good and bringing it into the present to make positive progress through the benevolent use of knowledge. The teachers, administrators, staff, and students at Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School represent positive action and can give us hope for a saner, more caring future. We are so grateful for their support and their perseverance, generosity, and hard work.

Laura Madeleine

Keisha Whatley, Maxayn Gooden, and Monique Lewis hand out materials to students.

Maxayn Gooden with Caroline Stoughton’s portrait of her son Jah’sun Ahmad Patton entitiled “Jah’sun - Truly a Ray of Sun to Everyone”

Monique Lewis speaking with a youth group about her brother, Richard Lewis, Jr., and his portrait “Pop Pop” by Martha Rich.

One of many portraits Keisha Whatley has made for Souls Shot Portrait Project. “Protector, Warrior, Peacemaker” is her portrait of Moses McMillian.