The artwork is so amazing - now what do we do?

We were honored to be invited to a panel discussion featuring some of our artists at the Abington Art Center last year. Artists Lauren Vargas, Oscar Vance, Ann Price Hartzell and I were joined by Christian Soltysiak from CeaseFirePA. We were speaking to a crowd of mostly artists or art enthusiasts. The questions for us artists started out to be mostly concerning technique and approach and transitioned into questions and comments about the project itself and how we worked with the families. It was the perfect example of the journey people take when viewing exhibitions of the Souls Shot portraits. The strength of the artwork draws people in, they become engaged with the people represented in the portraits and moved to find out more. This is why it was so great to have Christian with us to represent CeaseFirePA. She was a wealth of information about the state of the movement to end gun violence and address common sense legislation. CeaseFirePA is one of the several gun violence awareness and action organizations that are listed on the resources page of our website.

We are so grateful to the artists who have participated in this project over the years, and continue to do so, touching hearts and minds, moving people to take action.

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Laura Madeleine