Our mission in these strange times

While the current pandemic has upset our lives in countless ways the Souls Shot Portrait Project will continue to bring awareness to the epidemic that is gun violence. The pandemic will subside in time and we do not want to forget the many losses suffered by families due to gun violence. Because we have had to suspend the physical exhibition for the rest of this month and next month, and maybe beyond, we will be featuring a different portrait each day. We will include commentary from the catalog as well as some comments from the curator. We will start with portraits from the 3rd edition of the exhibition and go in alphabetical order by artists’ last name, which is how the catalog is organized.

We are at work on the 4th edition of the project and even have some participants that have asked to be considered for the 5th edition. We are moving ahead with the South Jersey chapter and are continuing to explore opportunities in Baltimore and elsewhere.

It is our hope that the restrictions on our daily lives may see a lessening of the gun violence. It is also our hope that you, dear visitors to this site, will stay safe and get to know the souls in the many portraits we will be posting in the days to come.

Laura Madeleine